If at first you don’t succeed…

18 December, 2010

…or even if you do. Time for that ubiquitous Beckett quote: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Which brings us to:

#reverb10 prompt: Try. What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?

Let’s start with 2010. I tried (in random order):

  • a new tap class – only a couple of times but I hope to go again next year
  • VeganMofo, which was actually a lot of fun (I’m still eating the leftovers from the freezer – borscht today – but I’m trying to get back to cooking soon)
  • more complicated knitting patterns than I have done (nothing fancy – I just can’t remember doing cables before); I subscribed to a few crafty blogs that are proving to be quite inspirational


  • running sound for a theatre production – which as something of a wannabe techie I rather enjoyed
  • to teach things I don’t know much about (that didn’t go down well…)
  • to go freelance – still not sure how this is going to work out in the end, but we’ll see
  • lots more work-related (broadly speaking) stuff, which I won’t bore you with
  • organic, unpasteurised, unhomogenised milk straight from a farm (not quite straight from the cow, although I did see the cows :) …an interesting two-litre-experiment last spring; haven’t done much dairy otherwise)
  • making mustard just the other night; I’ll come back to that if I ever make  a version that doesn’t make my eyes water just to smell it
  • a one-off Zumba class (I can sort of understand their popularity on a theoretical level but it wasn’t for me, oh no)
  • to be all grown up and sensible about things (“oh that’s what you were trying, was it?”)
  • to be kind to myself when I inevitably fail to be sensible at all.

Next year I want to try

  • that tap class again, and to dance more in general
  • to graduate from two-week plans to two-month, maybe even two-year plans (I know – wow)
  • to do more weight-training – except without necessarily needing to go to the gym, hmm…
  • things I’ve never tried before – anything interesting, really (fencing, fiction-writing, foraging? I’m open to suggestions; I also smell New Year’s resolution potential here)
  • to be at least a little bit sensible every now and then
  • to be happily bonkers just as often
  • to tolerate imperfection better.

I wonder if -10 C and windy is too cold for running…one way to find out.