In the year 2008

Oh dearie me. I ate too heavily last night (not only fajitas with friends but also expensive but not very good German chocolates alone at home afterwards – mistake). I stayed up way too late, considering that I’ve been craving ten hours of sleep per night lately what with being ill and all. And now I was supposed to finally get to work and exercise a little and be sensible but feel really tired and overfed and whiny instead. And I don’t want to change out of my pyjamas. So a day early, let’s take a quick look at the year that’s closing. Just my year, mind you. I haven’t paid much attention to the world around me, and if you want that sort of thing, I’m sure an army of journalists is out there as we speak trying to cater to all your end-of-year needs.

My year 2008, then. (I was going to add pictures but wordpress wouldn’t play with me.)

I graduated (again).

I watched a lot of Gilmore Girls.

I went to Tampere.

I went to London.

I got a job.

In the near future of 2009:

I will be jobless once more.

I may find another job.

Um, that’s it, that’s all I know. Hardly a long-distance view, this one. I’ll think about this. Maybe I can come up with some more things past, present and future to add. Or at least the pictures.

Howl at the moon